Police appeared suspect killed a woman at the Stung Meanchey

Phnom Penh: mild disabilities, criminal police in Phnom Penh in the afternoon of July 2, 2015 showed a suspect involved in murder of a woman...

Phnom Penh: mild disabilities, criminal police in Phnom Penh in the afternoon of July 2, 2015 showed a suspect involved in murder of a womanmotorcycle riding the streets with stones and sticks.
Relating to the appearance of a suspect killed a woman riding a motorcycle on the road, was Lt. Col. Bun Sathya Chief Criminal Police Office Lightweight, Phnom Penh, said the suspects named Heap Phan called flutes, 36-year-old male resident of house number 70 Village Long Trail 1 Angre neighborhood under Chey victims who died lost their lives Horn Leone, female, 35, address In the village, with the suspects.

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